“Shoes (and More) for Ukraine” Charitable Initiative Announced
TULSA, Okla., Oct. 5, 2015 – Stonebridge Acquisition, Inc., (SAI) today announced “Shoes (and More) for Ukraine,” a charitable drive designed to send shoes and clothing to refugees in war-torn Ukraine.
“Shoes (and More) for Ukraine” is an offshoot of last year’s successful “Shoes for Ukraine” drive that saw SAI associates from its Cloudaction and Stonebridge Consulting divisions collect and ship more than 4,000 pairs of used shoes to Ukraine. This year the wish list has been expanded to include other essentials, such as winter coats, socks and children’s clothing.
“Shoes (and More) for Ukraine” collection boxes have been set up at the company’s offices in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Houston, Dallas, Denver, and Pune, India. The drive runs through Oct. 15.
“If you pay attention to the news, you know the continuing crisis in Ukraine is exacting a huge toll on the people there who are caught up in the conflict,” said CEO James Ivy. “Small efforts like ours can make a real difference in people’s lives, and we want to get the word out to as many people and organizations as we can.”
Ivy said cash donations are also appreciated. “Cash donations will be used to buy used shoes and clothing at garage sales and for shipping. A donation of $30 will fill a shipping box with quality garage sales items, and $90 will cover shipping a box to Ukraine.”
For more information about contributing to the Shoes (and More) for Ukraine effort, contact Aaron Weast at 918-260-6012 and via email at aaron.weast@sbti.com. Local office coordinators for Shoes (and More) for Ukraine are:
- Tulsa – Ange Hall (ange.hall@cloudaction.com; 918-621-2148)
- Oklahoma City – Mark Brannon (mark.brannon@sbti.com; 918-612-2132)
- Houston – Megan Dean (megan.dean@sbti.com; 713-220-8012)
- Dallas – Rohit Dhing (rohit.dhing@sbti.com; 972-419-7707)
- Denver – Dana Watson (dana.watson@sbti.com; 714-220-8016)
- Pune, India – Ketki Wandre (ketki.wandre@cloudaction.com; 972-419-7745)
About Stonebridge Acquisition, Inc.
Stonebridge Acquisition, Inc. (SAI), is a Tulsa-based corporation led and co-founded by CEO James Ivy. SAI operates two separate brands: Cloudaction (www.cloudaction.com), a cloud solutions provider, and Stonebridge Consulting (www.sbti.com), an oil and gas consulting services provider.