Salesforce IT Service Center: Version 1.36 Gives ITSC Momentum in ITSM Market
By Kedar Zavar, Chief Solutions Architect, Cloudaction Salesforce IT Service Center (ITSC) unquestionably has enjoyed phenomenal success since its launch in March 2021. As a brand new ITSM solution built on the platform, whatever ITSC might have lacked in product maturity at its inception, when compared to long-established ITSM software vendors, Salesforce product managers…
Continue Reading8 of My Favorite BMC Helix Remedyforce Winter 21 Enhancements
By Kedar Zavar, Architect, Cloudaction BMC has announced the general availability of BMC Helix Remedyforce Winter 21, so now’s the time to dig into my top enhancements in this release. 1. (Even More) Dynamic Forms Remedyforce admins are going to love the enhanced dynamic field rendering in Winter 21. You can now configure this feature…
Continue ReadingMy Top 10 Features in Remedyforce Summer ‘20
By Kedar Zavar, Architect, Cloudaction The Summer ’20 release brings some great features to BMC Helix Remedyforce. Here are my top 10 favorites. 1) My Workday This new metric option is available on Remedyforce Console based on different objects such as incidents, tasks, problem, change, and release broadcast. Makes for easy prioritization of work. Offers…
Continue ReadingBMC Helix Remedyforce Winter 20 Review
By Kedar Zavar, Architect, Cloudaction The Winter 20 release brings some great enhancements for Remedyforce administrators and users alike. Here are my favorites. 1. Ability to Move Service Requests from Sandbox to Production Using Configuration Sets BMC Helix Remedyforce has introduced a new feature called configuration sets. Before, administrators could not move Service Request from…
Continue ReadingBMC Helix Remedyforce Summer ’19 Review
By Kedar Zavar, Architect, Cloudaction BMC Helix Remedyforce Summer ’19 release offers us some great new features. Here’s an at-a-glance list at enhancements at a glance, followed by a brief look at my favorite Summer ’19 enhancements. My Summer ’19 favs Easily see attachments on Console with new attachment icon, including “see all” button. Ability…
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